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Hey Guys,
I have some exciting news I want you all to hear!!!
What is fun, exciting, starts with a B, and gets everyone having fun????
BUNCO NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s Right, you all heard me!!!!
I am having a Bunco Night/Desert Auction. It will be… AMAZING, “boy I use that word a lot!!!!”
When???   July 26th at 6:30
Where??? Cheney Community Church
1307 3rd Street
Cheney WA, 99004
Downstairs fellowship hall, “where the Awana Circle is.”
What??? BUNCO!!!!
Why??? To raise money for God’s Mission trip!!!
Who??? Well, any and everybody who wants to have fun, and buy desert!!!
Now for a B that ruins this whole W thing
Bring What??? Desert. We will be auctioning off everyones Desert, “the desert is kinda like a ticket, but isn’t completely required.”
Make sure your desert has an artsy discription, “things that make your desert seem more cooler than everyone elses because of the cool things it has in it, or how it was made.”
The person who’s desert gets the most money gets a prize!!!! Using words like,
Home Made
Fat Free
Family Secret Recepie
will make your cake sell more!!! Even including the recepie will make it worth more.
Please make sure to put an index card, “or a home made card that looks amazing,” on the desert with the discription and what it has in it.
Make sure if you put nuts in the desert that you put it on the card.
Since I have a few family members and people I know that are Diabetic, I will try to get some Diabetic Friendly deserts together so you all can have fun too!!!
Do you and your spouse want a time without the little kids where you can have fun together??? No worry, Childcare can be provided. Just call me and let me know if you will need childcare!!! (509) 994-2608 Cell or email me [email protected]
All Contributions are accepted. DON’T MISS OUT ON SUCH AMAZING FUN!!!!!!
Can’t wait to see you all there!!!
In Christ,